建 筑 景 观 室 内 展 览 平 面 广 告 房 产 艺 术 工 业 电 影 动 漫 游 戏 服 装 色 卡 杂 志
William T. Baker

William T. Baker is the Founder and Principal of one of the foremost residential architecture firms in the United States today. Along with his business partner, architect Bascom W. Murrah IV, he has achieved an international reputation for high-design combined with a keen sensitivity for plans that live well.

Mr. Baker founded his Atlanta based firm, William T. Baker & Associates, in 1985 and has since opened a second office in Greenwich, Connecticut. He has received numerous awards for his work including the prestigious Arthur Ross Award for Architecture in New York City in 1993 and the Urban Design Commission Award for Excellence in Atlanta in 2005. In 2004, he published his first book, New Classicists, an international best seller that has been translated into Mandarin. In 2008, he published a second book, Architectural Excellence in a Diverse World Culture, discussing the principles of architectural aesthetics.

William T. Baker enjoys a reputation for the impeccable design of private residences, commercial projects, and historic renovations. His work spans the American continent and the Caribbean and has been featured extensively in print and broadcast media around the world. He writes and lectures on a variety of subjects including architectural design, theory, and the history of architecture.

William T. Baker holds professional memberships in the Institute of Classical Architecture (ICA), the American Institute of Building Designers (AIBD), and the International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture & Urbanism (INTBAU).

He has served on the board of a number of community organizations focused on affordable housing initiatives and low-income challenges and holds memberships in several historical societies.

William T. Baker是现今美国最著名的住宅建筑公司的创始人及负责人。与他的合作伙伴,建筑设计师Bascom W. Murrah IV一起,致力于在让人们生活居住的更好,并在世界范围内的完美建筑与新锐建筑上均享有极高的声誉。

Baker先生1985年在亚特兰大建立了他的公司,William T. Baker & Associates。随后在康涅狄格州,格林威治镇建立了第二间办公室。他的作品获得了非常多的奖项,其中包括1993年纽约的年度阿瑟罗斯奖以及2005年的亚特兰大的杰出城市设计委员会奖。在2004年他出版了他的第一本书,《新古典主义》,世界各地的经销商纷纷将其翻译成本国语言进行销售。在2008年,他又出版了第二本书,《Architectural Excellence in a Diverse World Culture》,书中阐述了不同建筑美学上的原则。

William T Baker倾心于建造完美的私人住宅,商业楼宇以及翻新有历史意义的建筑物。他的工作跨越美国本土一直到加勒比海,同时他也是世界众多平面媒体以及广播媒体上非常有号召力的人物。他在包括建筑设计,建筑理论,以及建筑历史上都有很多著作以及演讲。

William T Baker拥有ICA、AIBD以及INTBAU的专业会员资格。



William T. Baker:Great American Homes

译 名:William T. Baker 大师设计作品集 语 言:英语
书 号:9781864704341 页 码:296
作 者:William T. Baker 装 帧:精装
出 版 社:Images Publishing Group 规 格:280mm * 280mm
出版时间:2011-05-08 市场价:360元   预订价:198元(限2011年4月30日前)

这本华美设计的书,展示了著名建筑设计师 William T. Baker 的精选作品。 本书收录的20个美丽的住宅项目,将Baker先生对于细节的洞察力,对于生产过程以及材料运用的深刻理解力全部呈现于人们的眼前。 在设计方面,Baker先生把房屋设计的美观,吸引力以及舒适性和它的功能和实用性放在同等重要的地位对待。 当提到他的作品时他说“时间是评判一件设计作品最终的裁判,如果一件作品多年以后看起来一如既往的美丽,那时候你才知道你做对了。我的目标是让我的作品表达出最终用户的个性,以及从某个方面反映出那个时代的文化。


New Classicists

William T. Baker’s work is inspired by the bounty of classical architecture found in the grand homes of the southern United States, particularly Georgia. The hallmark of his architecture is his extraordinary attention to the finer details of craftsmanship and construction and his keen eye for scale and proportion. Throughout the pages ...

Architectural Excellence in a Diverse World Culture

In Architectural Excellence in a Diverse World Culture, William T. Baker presents dynamic concepts aimed at inspiring international excellence in architectural design. He addresses the controversial subject of architectural aesthetics and demonstrates how foundational principles of design can be applied to the signifi cant challenges facing the world’s built environment ...


地点:第六届中国(上海)国际建筑及室内设计节 上海新国际博览中心W3馆大会议室
演讲主题:Building a Legacy in Architecture

演讲主题:Building a Legacy in Architecture


了解更多大师信息请登录 William T Baker 主页 http://wtbaker.com/
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